Designing a Source Evaluation System

Evaluating Sources on the Space Economy of Europe

Search Terms

  • Space economy
  • Space economy research 
  • Space economy Europe
  • Future space economy


  • Author & Publishing Body
    • Are credible and authoritative on topic.
    • Are free of conflicts of interest.
  • Accessibility & Distillation of material
    • Discussion is outlined accessibly.
    • Topic is covered fully and information is sufficiently broken down.
  • Keyword prevalence
    • Search terms are used in discussion.
    • Topics in discussion are relevant to keywords.
  • Strength of sources used
    • Referenced correctly.
    • References are relevant.
    • References are also inline with these evaluation criteria.
  • Purpose
    • Is clear and stated.
    • Is free of bias and undeclared opinion.
 Search TermAuthorAccessibilityKeywordSourcePurposeTotal Score
Morgan Stanley – 5 Themes“Future space economy”3 – Author is an industry expert. Publisher is engaged in funding for industry discussed.5 – Explanation is broken down and key themes are identified.4 – Paper is about the search topic.2 – Links exist throughout paper. No bibliography included.3 – Stated purpose is discussion for for-profit industry.17/25
OECD – FOR PEOPLE, PLANET AND PROSPERITY“Space economy research”5 – Author and Publisher are part of team dedicated to research on topic.3 – Document prepared for governmental officials.5 – Paper is directly about the search topic.5 – In-text citations and bibliography exist.4 – Stated purpose is briefing government officials.22/25
Harvard Business School – Commercial Space Age is Here“Space economy research”5 – Both Authors are industry experts. Publisher is academic and credible.5 – Explanation is broken down and key themes are identified.5 – Paper is directly about the search topic.1- Some links exist to news events. No bibliography included.4 – Educational purpose stated.20/25
ESA – Measuring the Space Economy“Space economy Europe”3 – Author not included. Publisher is industry leader.1 – Explanation is too short to be useful.4 – Paper is about the search topic.0 – No links, citations or bibliography exist.3 – No stated purpose. Educational purpose inferred.13/25
Journal of Arts Science & Commerce – Measuring the Space Economy“Space economy research”5 – Author is an industry expert. Publishers is centre of industry research.3 – Explanation is broken down well, academic language used throughout.5 – Paper is directly about the search topic.5 – In-text citations and bibliography exist.5 – Stated purpose of research and education.23/25
CNBC – $1 trillion Space Industry“Space economy”4 – Author is industry correspondent. Publisher is credible news outlet.4 – Explanation is broken down and key themes are identified.4 – Paper is about the search topic.2 – Links exist throughout paper. No bibliography included.4 – No stated purpose. Informational purpose inferred.18/25

Ben Smith
Ben Smith
Articles: 15

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