Ben Smith

Ben Smith

Star Notes: Collaborate & Compound

From funding of projects through Kickstarter, to Waze’s user-led traffic and navigation app, to that free encyclopaedia that we all know and love, crowdsourcing has become increasingly ubiquitous. The approach is democratising the process of academic research by leveraging the collective intelligence…

The Abilities of Archives

Discussion on the Power & Considerations of Archives Archives are to many seen as boring, archaic filing systems where irrelevant documents are stored when they are no longer of use. Yawns of derision usually meet the over-stylised library basement scenes…

The Individuals & Societies of the Web

A Discussion on Filter Bubbles & the Contract for the Web The early days of the internet were exciting. The ever-expanding connectivity between people and ideas seemed to have no limit. Thousand-page encyclopaedias, reduced to pixels on a screen and…

How Data Defines Debate

Discussion on Big Data & Politics The overlap of the digital has permeated many aspects of society. A digital layer now sits over our daily lives at home, at work and everywhere in between. Of these, how we get information…
